Swiss Bishops Want Female Deacons

The Swiss bishops submitted a report to the Vatican on 13 May on the local synod on synodality. Excerpts: - "Synodal decisions that marginalize or exclude people and their experiences, especially women …Zvimwe
The Swiss bishops submitted a report to the Vatican on 13 May on the local synod on synodality. Excerpts:
- "Synodal decisions that marginalize or exclude people and their experiences, especially women, queer people and the socially disadvantaged, are contrary to the mission of the Church."
- "Recognition of the equal baptismal dignity of men, women and queer people must be lived and witnessed in the building of a synodal church."
- "The question of [...] the inclusion of women in all [!] ministries is an important issue".
- "The exclusion of women from the priesthood is no longer understood in many places".
- "The opening of the diaconate to women is to be welcomed when it expresses a development towards the recognition of the equal baptismal dignity of men and women in the Church".
- "A special form of diaconate 'for women' would be seen in the Swiss context as an expression of the relegation of women, as would the gradation of the diaconate in relation to the ordained ministry".
The …Zvimwe
Tony M
This is just one step.....towards the longer term aim of women priests, Bishops, Cardinals and maybe even the first woman Pope. Jorge would be very …Zvimwe
This is just one step.....towards the longer term aim of women priests, Bishops, Cardinals and maybe even the first woman Pope. Jorge would be very happy with these Swiss Bishops in their support for him in his efforts to change (ie destroy) the Church in such a way that it cannot be reversed. They may well have submitted this report to the Vatican at Jorge's instruction. We don't know all the behind the scenes detail, but we can see the big picture in where this is all going and who many of the major players are.
If they want to revive the informal non-liturgical, non-ordained Deconeses from the early Church, then fine; as long as they do exactly what Deconeses …Zvimwe
If they want to revive the informal non-liturgical, non-ordained Deconeses from the early Church, then fine; as long as they do exactly what Deconeses did in the early Church, which was assisting adult women with catechism and baptism. They didn't wear liturgical robes, nor did they instruct men or have anything to do with the liturgy. But, that's not what the modernist bishops are up to. In the name of the early Church, they want to inovate something totally new that will be a psueduo-eclessiastic order for women that will do many of the functions of the ordained diaconate.
Mumwe mufungiro
Fahrer von Ars
Analyse des Münster-Urteil zur AfD | Dr. Gottfried Curio Rosenkranzkette für die Rettung des deutschen Vaterlandes Das Verfahren zur Verdachtsfall-Beobachtung der AfD durch den Verfassungsschutz wies …Zvimwe
Analyse des Münster-Urteil zur AfD | Dr. Gottfried Curio Rosenkranzkette für die Rettung des deutschen Vaterlandes
Das Verfahren zur Verdachtsfall-Beobachtung der AfD durch den Verfassungsschutz wies erhebliche formale wie inhaltliche Mängel auf - sehen Sie hier ein Resume der gravierendsten Mängel.
Norbert Kasper anopa izvi.
Sehr gute Analyse!!!Zvimwe
Sehr gute Analyse!!!
Josef69 Wa anopa izvi.
3 amwe mafungiro

Australia: Archbishop Reaps Hatred for Defending Common Sense

Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Australia, has denounced a campaign to overturn Christian moral principles. As a result, the enemies of common sense have responded with intense hatred. In a May …Zvimwe
Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Australia, has denounced a campaign to overturn Christian moral principles.
As a result, the enemies of common sense have responded with intense hatred. In a May 2 pastoral letter ('We are salt to the earth'), Mgr Porteous made statements about human dignity and religious and parental freedom.
For example, he said: "Believing in God as Creator, we see our identity as male and female as a gift. We therefore see efforts to separate gender from biological sex as a denial of the reality of who we are".
And: "God created male and female as sexually complementary. This means that, sexually, we were literally made for the opposite sex".
Mgr. Porteous criticises the radicalised transvestite lobby, child abortion, euthanasia suicide, homosexual pseudo-marriage and the "woke" propaganda that fights against common sense ("traditional values and beliefs").
Homosexual propaganda groups claimed that Mgr Porteous had "stigmatised" them, as if Porteous was responsible …Zvimwe
I respectfully suggest the rest of the Australian Hierarchy awaken from their slumber and follow the courageous Archbishops example.
The good Archbishop Julian is just about the only Archbishop in Australia who is willing to defend the truth. We must keep this faithful bishop in our …Zvimwe
The good Archbishop Julian is just about the only Archbishop in Australia who is willing to defend the truth. We must keep this faithful bishop in our prayers because Australia is governed by Neros and they are worshiped by a minority of woke communists in Australia who would be more than willing to drum up false sexual abuse cases against him, just as they did with cardinal Pell. May his good friend Cardinal Pell intercede for Archbishop Julian.

♥ Modlitwa 7 Ojcze Nasz i 7 Zdrowaś Maryjo ♥

♥ 7 Ojcze Nasz i 7 Zdrowaś Maryjo - ku czci Najdroższej Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa ♥ Za podstawę praktyki modlitewnej - siedmiu Ojcze nasz i siedmiu Zdrowaś Maryjo służy objawienie, którego nasz Pan i …Zvimwe
♥ 7 Ojcze Nasz i 7 Zdrowaś Maryjo - ku czci Najdroższej Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa ♥
Za podstawę praktyki modlitewnej - siedmiu Ojcze nasz i siedmiu Zdrowaś Maryjo służy objawienie, którego nasz Pan i Zbawiciel udzielił Swoim Świętym: Św. Brygidzie, Św. Gertrudzie i Św. Mechtyldzie :
"Wiedzcie, Moje najdroższe córki, iż kiedy Mnie pojmano na świecie, zadano Mi 16 razów i 30 policzków. Od Ogrójca aż do domu Annasza, kiedy z powodu zmęczenia padłem na ziemię, wycięto mi 16 razów na plecach i nogach, aby Mnie zmusić do powstania. Podnoszono Mnie za brodę 33 razy. Przy słupie biczowania popychano Mnie gwałtownie. Zadano Mi jeden śmiertelny cios i wycięto Mi 6.666 uderzeń. Koronę cierniową wtłoczono Mi na Głowę i wiele cierni przeszyło Mnie aż do mózgu, które zadały Mi 32 rany na Głowie Mojej. Tam też uderzono Mnie trzy razy, przyprawiając Mnie nieomal o śmierć za każdym razem. Pluto Mi w twarz 73 razy. Żołnierzy, którzy Mnie pojmali, było 68, tych, pod których straż Mnie oddano, było 33. Trzy …Zvimwe
Karolina K
Boże dziękuję Ci za każdy dzień ! Swoją modlitwę zaczęłam 12.12.2012.
Stanisława K
Modlę się tą modlitwą od 01 .07. 2021 🙏
111 amwe mafungiro

Mexican Diocese Wins Case Against Transvestite

Mexico's federal appeals court in April rejected an attempt by a transvestite propagandist to force the Church to alter baptismal records in favour of a person's self-declaration. In 2021, a man …Zvimwe
Mexico's federal appeals court in April rejected an attempt by a transvestite propagandist to force the Church to alter baptismal records in favour of a person's self-declaration.
In 2021, a man suffering from gender ideas of being a 'woman' argued that Mexican privacy law required the Diocese of Querétaro to comply with the request, regardless of biological reality and historical facticity.
As a result, Mexico's National Data Protection Institute ruled that the diocese had to amend the baptismal records.
The diocese challenged the decision and won in a district court. An appeals court now upheld the decision on the grounds that the Church has a constitutionally protected right to manage its internal affairs without government interference.
The decision sets an important precedent for defending the religious freedom and autonomy of churches and religious organisations in Mexico against the fascist homosex propaganda.
Cc Ss
Someone put him up to it and they won’t stop there. There’s big money behind these cases which is why lay Catholics need to make big money too.Zvimwe
Someone put him up to it and they won’t stop there.
There’s big money behind these cases which is why lay Catholics need to make big money too.
Alejandrina Reyes
Thank God
Mitarbeiter die Kopfschmerzen bereiten - Pfr Dr. Kocher liest aus "Rebuilt" | 2024 05 14 radiohorebZvimwe
Mitarbeiter die Kopfschmerzen bereiten - Pfr Dr. Kocher liest aus "Rebuilt" | 2024 05 14
Der KoelnerZvimwe
Der Koelner

Elderly Belgian Woman Wants to Become 'Deacon', Sues Church

Veer Dusauchoit, 62, is suing the Church in Belgium for "discrimination" because she cannot become a deacon. Dusauchoit has worked for 30 years in the parish of Herent, near Leuven, in Flemish Brabant …Zvimwe
Veer Dusauchoit, 62, is suing the Church in Belgium for "discrimination" because she cannot become a deacon.
Dusauchoit has worked for 30 years in the parish of Herent, near Leuven, in Flemish Brabant, where she presides over funerals and liturgies of the word. The parish has no priest.
She tried to enrol in a four-year course to become a deacon, but was turned down, and sees this rejection as "gender discrimination".
"I am indeed angry, but I am also determined," she told Belgian state broadcaster (14 May) which is known for its anti-Church stances.
A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels defended the decision: "At the moment (sic) only men can be ordained deacons. So there's no point in doing the formation, because the finality of becoming one is impossible".
The spokesman added: "The Belgian bishops are in favour of [invalid] women deacons."
The court in Mechelen has one month to make a decision.
The current Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, 55, is …Zvimwe
pmfji anopa izvi.
James Manning
Maybe I should sue Big Sugar because I don't have six pack abs.
5 amwe mafungiro
Jens Kestner: „Festung Europa – Was denn sonst!“ Aus Niedersachsen kandidiert Jens #Kestner bei der #Europawahl für die #AfD. Der Bestatter und Oberfeldwebel der Bundeswehr setzt sich für aktiven …Zvimwe
Jens Kestner: „Festung Europa – Was denn sonst!“
Aus Niedersachsen kandidiert Jens #Kestner bei der #Europawahl für die #AfD. Der Bestatter und Oberfeldwebel der Bundeswehr setzt sich für aktiven Grenzschutz ein, damit die unkontrollierte Massenmigration endlich gestoppt wird. #deshalbafd
Fahrer von Ars
Fahrer von Ars

Diocese Bans Priests from Speaking to Media Activists ("Journalists")

The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, has adopted rules requiring priests and diocesan employees to consult with diocesan officials before speaking to so-called reporters. The new policy states that diocesan …Zvimwe
The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, has adopted rules requiring priests and diocesan employees to consult with diocesan officials before speaking to so-called reporters.
The new policy states that diocesan communications officials will "either address the request directly or work with the employee to provide a response to the inquiry".
Joe Martone, the diocese's director of communications, points out: "What we're really trying to do is not stifle the communication of the diocese, we're trying to coordinate it."
This is understandable, as many priests are naïve and don't realise that media activists are not interested in the truth. Instead, they only talk to people to promote their own agenda and narrative.
All Saints
Obvious fake photo. A la Norman Rockwell.
This is a fake photo
7 amwe mafungiro


NABOŻEŃSTWO PIĘTNASTU MODLITW ŚW. BRYGIDY czyli TAJEMNICA SZCZĘŚCIA ŚW.BRYGIDA-mistyczka. ♥OBIETNICE ♥ Od dłuższego czasu Brygida pragnęła wiedzieć, ile ciosów Chrystus Pan otrzymał podczas swej Męki. …Zvimwe

Od dłuższego czasu Brygida pragnęła wiedzieć, ile ciosów Chrystus Pan otrzymał podczas swej Męki.
Pewnego dnia Zbawiciel objawił się jej i rzekł:
"Moje Ciało otrzymało 5480 ciosów.
Jeżeli chcesz je uczcić pobożną praktyką, zmów codziennie 15 Ojcze nasz i 15 Zdrowaś Maryjo z modlitwami, których cię nauczyłem, podczas całego roku. W ten sposób w ciągu roku uczcisz każdą moją Ranę".
(Przypis: 15 modlitw codziennie, przez 365 dni roku = 5480) Potem w formie obietnicy dodał, że ktokolwiek zmówi te modlitwy codziennie podczas roku: * Uwolni 15 dusz ze swej rodziny z czyśćca, *15 sprawiedliwych spośród krewnych zostanie potwierdzonych i zachowanych w łasce. * 15 grzeszników spośród krewnych zostanie nawróconych. * Osoba, która zmówi te modlitwy, osiągnie pewien stopień doskonałości. * Już na 15 dni przed śmiercią będzie przeżywała szczery żal za wszystkie popełnione grzechy ze świadomością …Zvimwe
Te modlitwy tutaj nie są prawdziwe tylko zmienione te obietnicę są fałszywe.Wszystko piszę na stronie Salve Regina zaraz tutaj wyśle.Prawdziwa Wersję …Zvimwe
Te modlitwy tutaj nie są prawdziwe tylko zmienione te obietnicę są fałszywe.Wszystko piszę na stronie Salve Regina zaraz tutaj wyśle.Prawdziwa Wersję odmawia się przed miesiąc a nie przez rok.Nabożeństwo do Męki Pańskiej. - Salve Regina
Izabela Drwal apa izvi
46 amwe mafungiro

Erection on the Cross? No Blasphemy Off-Limits

Rev. Thomas McHale, 53, priest of Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Parish in Blackhill, County Durham, England, said in his Good Friday sermon that Christ had an erection when he died on the cross. Indulging …Zvimwe
Rev. Thomas McHale, 53, priest of Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Parish in Blackhill, County Durham, England, said in his Good Friday sermon that Christ had an erection when he died on the cross.
Indulging in his sick fantasies, the 53-year-old American citizen said that blood would have rushed to Christ's lower body as a result of the execution by crucifixion.
A parishioner explained to (11 May): "He told people that Jesus died with an erection. The audience was shocked. There were young families there".
Complaints about the "vulgar" sermon led to an "ongoing" investigation, the spokesman for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle said. Good Friday was 29 March. The matter could be 'investigated' in 10 minutes. 'Ongoing investigation' therefore means that there is no will to come to a conclusion.
Picture:, #newsGysdpxqice
this is blasphemy ,coming from a priest .
Filthy, disgusting and reprehensible man.
10 amwe mafungiro


LAS QUINCE ORACIONES DE SANTA BRÍGIDA (versión completa) Un Año Las quince gotitas diarias de la Sangre de Jesús que destruirán la dura coraza de tu alma Los invitamos a que nos acompañen, rezando …Zvimwe
(versión completa)
Un Año

Las quince gotitas diarias de la Sangre de Jesús que destruirán la dura coraza de tu alma
Los invitamos a que nos acompañen, rezando estas oraciones durante un año completo, se puede comenzar en cualquier día del año. Nos daría mucha alegría saber quienes han comenzado (ya se han comunicado varias personas ¿y usted no nos acompaña?). El mail está al final. Que Dios los bendiga.
Santa Brígida recibió dos juegos de oraciones de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y otro juego de Nuestra Madre la Santísima Inmaculada Virgen María. Uno de los juegos de Nuestro Señor los rezamos durante un año (oraciones que están aquí), mientras que el otro lo rezamos por doce años (ver link al final). De Nuestra Madre recibió la devoción diaria a sus Siete Dolores. Nuestro Señor y la Santísima Virgen prometieron tanto a través de Santa Brígida de Suecia a las almas que recen estas oraciones, que debemos lograr que se vuelvan mucho más conocidas. Para ello …
Patricia Pedroza García apa izvi
Marcelo Fernando de Argentina anopa izvi.
1K amwe mafungiro

Spain: Whole Convent of Poor Clares Joins a Sedevacantist Group

The Poor Clares of Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain, have announced that they are leaving the jurisdiction of the archdiocese to join a certain Bishop Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco. The 15 nuns …Zvimwe
The Poor Clares of Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain, have announced that they are leaving the jurisdiction of the archdiocese to join a certain Bishop Pablo de Rojas Sanchez-Franco. The 15 nuns of Belorado are known for selling sweets.
De Rojas was educated in an Opus Dei school and later became close to the Priestly Society of Pius X. In 2005 he founded his own "Pía Unión de San Pablo Apóstol" in Bilbao. This group has about 100 members and some "clergy" and is somehow linked to Palmar de Troya, Seville, a group that has its own "pope" who comes from Switzerland and has invented its own Novus Ordo.
De Rojas's headquarters in Bilbao has ornaments everywhere, bookcases, ornate furniture, crockery and maids in bonnets. In 2017, he participated in a 1900s fashion show in Bilbao organised by Fernando Botanz who presents himself as a homosexual and who, according to, has a close relationship with De Rojas.
De Rojas was "ordained" a "bishop" by the sedevacantist Daniel …Zvimwe
Tony Smith
Better than being under this apostate pope.
Notice carefully that their journey to "lala land" began with their association with the SSPX. The Church Fathers and Doctors have strongly warned that …Zvimwe
Notice carefully that their journey to "lala land" began with their association with the SSPX. The Church Fathers and Doctors have strongly warned that schism always eventually leads to heresy and ultimately to "lala land."
4 amwe mafungiro
"Familien müssen sich mit Wehrpflicht beschäftigen" - Serap Güler im Frühstart | ntv "Frage wer hat die Wehrpflicht abgeschafft und das Dienstrecht für Frauen eingeführt? das war die CDU/CSU. Jeder …Zvimwe
"Familien müssen sich mit Wehrpflicht beschäftigen" - Serap Güler im Frühstart | ntv
"Frage wer hat die Wehrpflicht abgeschafft und das Dienstrecht für Frauen eingeführt? das war die CDU/CSU. Jeder normale Bürger hat die Dienstpflicht für alle gewünscht. Jedoch keinen Wehrdienst für Frauen. Dieser Dienst gehört nicht zum weiblichen Wesen."

Mit der Abschaffung der Wehrpflicht wurden viele Kasernen teilweise solche die zuvor restauriert wurden einer anderen Verwendung zugefügt und teilweise abgerissen. Somit fehlen neben den personellen auch alle logistischen Voraussetzungen um die Wehrpflicht egal wie, wieder einzuführen. Für diesen erheblichen Schaden haben die Parlamentarier aller Parteien, die den Irrweg von Merkel und den Ministern für Verteidigung ermöglicht haben mit persönlichen und parteilichen Finanzen zu tragen. Sie sollen aber am Besten den Mund halten, wenn sie von nichts eine Ahnung haben und davon aber sehr, sehr Viel.
"Familien müssen sich mit Wehrpflicht beschäftigen …Zvimwe

Fiducia Supplicans: A Spanish Diocese Concludes that One Violation Has Violated the Other Violation

The Diocese of Plasencia, Spain, issued an unsigned statement on 13 May regarding the recent homosexual [pseudo] blessing in the parish church of Miajadas. The diocese is presently being ruined by …Zvimwe
The Diocese of Plasencia, Spain, issued an unsigned statement on 13 May regarding the recent homosexual [pseudo] blessing in the parish church of Miajadas.
The diocese is presently being ruined by Bishop Ernesto Brotóns, who is fully responsible for the statement. His text promises that "the appropriate canonical measures have been taken", which means nothing.
In obvious contradiction to reality, Brotóns' statement denies that there was "any intention" to simulate a sacrament. The whole show was modelled on a wedding, including two disguised homosexuals and a priest. Everyone could see that it was the simulation of a sacrament.
The statement criticises only that "the forms clearly violated the provisions" of the Vatican's homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans'. The bishop insists that he "believes" in the "value" of the blasphemous blessing of sin.
Mgr Brotóns ends with crocodile tears: "We deeply regret the scandal and confusion that the misapplication of the Declaration has …Zvimwe

Brodkorb zu AfD-Urteil: „Kein Erfolg für den VS“ - COMPACT

Breitbeinig stellte sich Verfassungsschutz-Chef Thomas Haldenwang gestern vor die Kameras und verbreitete den Eindruck, das gestern ergangene …
Dixit Dominus
Der Chinese beim Krahl dürfte auch ein vom Verfassungsschutz eingeschleuster V-Mann gewesen sein. Und genau zum passenden Zeitpunkt, nämlich vor den …Zvimwe
Der Chinese beim Krahl dürfte auch ein vom Verfassungsschutz eingeschleuster V-Mann gewesen sein. Und genau zum passenden Zeitpunkt, nämlich vor den EU-Wahlen ließen sie die Bombe hochgehen. Auffälligerweise gibt es jetzt auch keine Nachrichten mehr zu diesem Fall. Der Schaden ist angerichtet, das war der Zweck und damit basta. So arbeitet das System.
Interessant , wie doch die verschiedenen Ansichten sind. Haldenwang ist in großer Freude über einen Sieg, den Herr Brodkorb zu Gunsten der AFD umdreht. …Zvimwe
Interessant , wie doch die verschiedenen Ansichten sind.
Haldenwang ist in großer Freude über einen Sieg, den Herr Brodkorb zu Gunsten der AFD umdreht.
Jetzt kaufe ich mir doch noch eine Tüte Popkorn für heute Abend und schaue doch noch mal ARD ... 😉 😇 🥳
4 amwe mafungiro

Falsely Accused: US Bishop Cleared Of Absurd Charges

Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, 78, of Brooklyn, has been cleared of charges that he "mishandled" an abuse case. He was vicar general of the Brooklyn diocese from 2013 to 2022. In 2021, he …Zvimwe
Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, 78, of Brooklyn, has been cleared of charges that he "mishandled" an abuse case.
He was vicar general of the Brooklyn diocese from 2013 to 2022. In 2021, he was accused of failing to adequately disclose to a parish that the Rev. Uririoghene Okrokoto was prohibited from contact with minors. As a result, Chappetto was accused of potentially endangering minors.
Reverend Okrokoto had a history of "boundary violations" with teenage girls. After treatment at a mental health facility, he was assigned to a Brooklyn parish in June 2021. Within weeks, Okrokoto was seen at the parish in the company of a teenage girl. He was removed from ministry again in October 2021 and remains suspended.
The Diocese of Brooklyn told (13 May) that the Vatican's Dicastery for Bishops had concluded after an investigation that the allegations against Chappetto were "manifestly unfounded and the case has been closed".
The investigation was conducted by …Zvimwe
John A Cassani
What was absurd? Nothing has been clarified as to why he has been cleared. No priest who has ever committed any sort of misconduct with minors should …Zvimwe
What was absurd? Nothing has been clarified as to why he has been cleared. No priest who has ever committed any sort of misconduct with minors should ever be allowed to perform ministry at a parish, much less live in a parish rectory. The Vicar General is in charge of such matters. Perhaps we will find out that prior allegations were deemed untrue, but nothing is known about that as of now.
As clear as mud.
May 14, 2024..🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇨🇭 🇪🇺 ..👉Weltwoche - SPEZIAL ...🌍🐰👉.. «Sie werden alles versuchen, um uns aus dem Weg zu räumen»: Alice Weidel über das AfD-Urteil
Norbert Kasper
Was ist der Sinn, bzw. Zweck von Beweisanträgen, und wie wurden sie in der juristischen Vergangenheit gehandhabt ist das eigentliche Thema rund um das …Zvimwe
Was ist der Sinn, bzw. Zweck von Beweisanträgen, und wie wurden sie in der juristischen Vergangenheit gehandhabt ist das eigentliche Thema rund um das AfD-Urteil. Alle Argumente der Gegenseite in Interviews rund um das Urteil umgehen eben genau diese Thematik, reden über Gott und die Welt, nur eben nicht über diesen Kern!!! Die Richter, die alle 400 Beweisanträge abgelehnt haben brauchten dafür keine Begründung anzuführen. Es scheint so, als wenn bei Behauptungen über die AfD keinerlei Begründungen notwendigerweise erforderlich seien. So wie es aussieht gilt im Zusammenhang mit Angelegenheiten der AfD die Offentsichtlichkeit als Beweis-Ersatz vollkommen aus ähnlich, wie damals bei Holocaust. Irgendwelche Leute bestimmen was offensichtlich ist und was nicht, und daher nicht mehr bewiesen werden muss.
Wie wird es erst zugehen, wie massiv wird von der Ampel+ CDU/CSU gegen die AfD vorgegangen, wenn es spätestens nächstes Jahr die Bundestagswahlen geben …Zvimwe
Wie wird es erst zugehen, wie massiv wird von der Ampel+ CDU/CSU gegen die AfD vorgegangen, wenn es spätestens nächstes Jahr die Bundestagswahlen geben wird!
3 amwe mafungiro

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Rev. Joseph Williams, C.M., pastor of St Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, issued a 'facade' apology on 8 May for his [pseudo] blessing of two lesbian women on 21 April. It appears that Williams was …Zvimwe
Rev. Joseph Williams, C.M., pastor of St Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, issued a 'facade' apology on 8 May for his [pseudo] blessing of two lesbian women on 21 April.
It appears that Williams was forced to issue the apology. He regrets only "the language of the blessing", the use of the church and liturgical vestments, but insists he "meant it well".
"The form that the blessing took, as shown in the video, was due to my attempt to give them a meaningful (!) moment of God's grace (!)".
It was only when the video of the pseudo wedding went viral that Williams realised he had "made a very poor choice of words".
"I am deeply sorry for any confusion and/or anger this has caused, especially to the people of God."
He didn't apologise for the blasphemy he committed, he won't be punished, and no reparations will be made.
Wilma Lopez apa izvi
A priest in Chicago has apologized for the controversial way in which he blessed a same-sex couple in April, calling it a “very poor decision” that …Zvimwe
A priest in Chicago has apologized for the controversial way in which he blessed a same-sex couple in April, calling it a “very poor decision” that violated Catholic Church’s new guidelines.
James Manning
Apparently Fr. Joseph "regrets" his actions here. But would he regret his sacrilege if the video of the event never went online?
9 amwe mafungiro

AfD und Demokratie: ziemlich banale Kausalketten - Sezession im Netz

Fehlte sie, wäre der Begriff Demokratie, mindestens aber jener des Pluralismus ohnehin längst unberechtigt, da es kaum Widerstreit …